Pie crust
========= 2024-11-11 *

3 recipes for pie and quiche dough. The first one, standard, is without egg. The second due to Fredy Girardet ("La cuisine spontanée", for his "tarte à l'oignon", page 90) uses a whole egg, finally the third, ideal for quiches uses an egg yolk only (see Pâte brisée par sablage. In all 3 cases, the preparation is the same.

Shortcrust pastry without egg is more difficult to work with, it lacks a little elasticity and tends to tear.

Comment: let the dough rest for at least 1 h filmed (so it doesn't dry out), in the refrigerator before using, then keep it at ambiant temperature for 20 to 30 mn so it warms up somewhat before spreading it.
See The ultimate how to blind bake pastry case crust for blind cooking a shell for a pie or a quiche..

A tip for the third recipe, is to save the white of the egg, and brush it on the pie crust, once it's blind cooked to "waterproof" it: remove the ballast from the pie crust, brush on the pie crust with the egg white, and return it to the oven for 1 or 2 minutes. Is it also possible to use 2 egg yolks for added richeness.

Finally, in all these recipes it is possible to replace butter with margarine. For a sweet dough, add 25 g of sugar to the dough.

(for 1 plate of 28 cm)

Ingredients recipe 1:

250 g of flour
125 g of butter at room temperature
60 g of water
1/2 teaspoon of salt

Ingredients recipe 2:

200 g of flour
130 g of butter at room temperature
1 egg (slightly beaten)
40 g water (probably less depending on the flour and the size of the egg)
1 pinch of salt

Ingredients recipe 3:

250 g flour
125 gr of butter at room temperature
50 g water
1 egg yolk (lightly beaten mixed with water)
5 g of salt


Knead the flour and butter with your fingertips until it forms a coarse powder.
Add salt and water (and egg) and mix. "Fraiser"(*) 2 or 3 times then shape a ball without kneading anymore, it hardens the dough and makes it elastic, which makes it shrink during cooking.
Flatten it into a small disk, and put it in the fridge (under film) for ~1h before using it. Take it out about 10 mn before spreading it.

(*) "Fraiser" a dough consists in mixing the ingredients of a dough by crushing it with the palm of the hand on a work surface, by pushing the dough towards the outside.